31 Aug John’s August Message: Productivity God’s Way!
Let me tell you something. It's never too late to become a man or a woman of the Word. There are so many benefits of the Bible: it imparts spiritual...
Let me tell you something. It's never too late to become a man or a woman of the Word. There are so many benefits of the Bible: it imparts spiritual...
Ask any leader in his field and he’ll tell you that success can be lonely. It’s not uncommon for great achievers to fall into a deep depression once they’ve reached...
Are you truly FREE? It may be difficult to answer that question unless we define what “being free” means. And, with the upcoming Fourth of July celebration, we’ve got a great...
The North Texas Giving Day website is LIVE! Why wait for September 22nd when you can click here to give today! Thank you to those of you who have already donated. We...
Leading up to North Texas Giving Day on September 22nd, we're highlighting some of our "jars" (2 Kings 4) each week to show where your investment in our ministry is going. Today, I’m highlighting my book The...
Several years ago, I lived in Dallas and worked with youth. I saw a lot of students in this area come into a relationship with Jesus Christ. But, when I’d...
Leading up to North Texas Giving Day on September 22nd, we're highlighting some of our "jars" (2 Kings 4) each week to show where your investment in our ministry is...
North Texas Giving Day is fast approaching! In 2 Kings 4, Elisha tells the widow (who needed funds for her family) to "Borrow as many empty jars as you can from...
One of my favorite psalms is Psalm 103, and one of my favorite characters wrote it: David, the great Bible personality. In the Scriptures, God calls David a man after...
Are you FREE? It may be difficult to answer that question unless we define "free!" So, lets reflect on the subject of "freedom" for a bit. There are different types of freedom. P...