Aug 23 2022 North Texas Giving Day is Sept. 22, 2022!
North Texas Giving Day is fast approaching!
In 2 Kings 4, Elisha tells the widow (who needed funds for her family) to “Borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors.” She did so, and Elisha poured out what little oil she had left into the jars she collected… and they kept pouring and pouring… miraculously filling more jars with oil until there were no more jars to fill. The widow was able to pay her bills and provide for her family by God’s miraculous provision!
Punky and I have the same goal with the work God has given us: We’ll keep pouring out our oil (the ministry he’s given us) into as many jars (opportunities and platforms God provides) until there is nowhere else to pour and trust God to multiply our efforts!
Leading up to North Texas Giving Day on September 22nd, we’ll highlight some of our “jars” each week to show you where your investment in our ministry is going. When you give to The Tolson Group on September 22nd, you help us continue the work we were commanded to do in the Great Commission (Matthew 28).
First up: My new podcast on Disciple-Making and #RedGlassesTalk!
My goal with both the new Disciple Making podcast and Red Glasses Talks is to help people to HEAR the Word of God, THINK about what it says, and then go DO something about it.
It’s our prayer that by launching this podcast and recording the #RGT teaching videos, the message of disciple-making will continue to reach further than we could ever imagine. While our ministry focus aims to see every person in the US discipled, we’re amazed that people from all over the world can be equipped and encouraged in their work of disciple-making because of the easy access of these podcasts and videos. Some of our listeners have tuned in from India and Malaysia!
Jesus’ plan to change the planet is that his disciples would make disciples who make disciples.
Will you help us continue that plan? Please prayerfully consider giving to the work of disciple-making and click here to schedule your gift!
Warmly in Him,
John Tolson