Oct 24 2023 From Thought to Action: Chapter 23
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Before we begin, remember…making disciples can be as easy as reading a chapter of The Four Priorities and discussing it with someone else. This blog series is designed to supplement your journey. Feel free to take what you need and leave the rest! And remember, please share this post with your disciple so they can subscribe, too!
KEY QUOTES from Chapter 23: The Need for Evangelism
People who are lost without Christ have three characteristics; they are dead, blind, and ignorant. And because they have no power to respond, no ability to get themselves out of their darkness, they need the intervention of an outside source. They need life given to them by grace, the unmerited favor of God.
No one else is qualified to save humankind. Jesus lived a perfect life. He alone can forgive sins. He alone meets the deepest needs of the human heart. He alone meets the need for significance. He alone can wipe away all guilt. He alone is the One who can find us in the dark and lead us to safety.
- How confident are you in sharing the gospel with another?
- What is the primary reason(s) that you don’t share the gospel?
- What do you think of the quote “Preach the gospel at all times – when necessary use words”? Agree or disagree? Why or why not?
PRAY: We have a tendency to overcomplicate things – especially our prayers! One way to simplify your prayer life is to pick two phrases or truths from scripture and attach them to your breath pattern. As you inhale, internally say the 1st phrase. As you exhale, say the 2nd phrase. This is from Psalm 13,
INHALE: I will rejoice
EXHALE: because You have rescued me
INHALE: I will sing to You
EXHALE: because You have been good to me
MEMORIZE: Take this week to memorize 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 with your household. Write it on a sticky note to place on your car dashboard, your bathroom mirror, or wherever you will view it often.
2 Corinthians 5:17-20 “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”
WORSHIP: Listen to this song called Mighty to Save by Hillsong Worship.
Discuss what the gospel is – why is it called Good News?
- Learn the Romans Road with your kids
- Read this resource on how to share the gospel with your kids
- Watch this video on the Gospel
- Craft —
- “The Wordless Book” has been around for a long time and used to easily explain the gospel to children. Invented by the great preacher Charles Spurgeon in 1866, it’s an oldie but a goodie— probably because it’s simple and memorable! The most common version of this book is made from construction paper squares and staples, but you can also use colored beads to make a bracelet or a keychain, or even paint your fingernails with them!
- Click here to download a helpful guide for talking through the colors in this book or bracelet with your children.
- Yellow (or gold) Heaven is God’s home
- Black— Our sin
- Red— Jesus’ blood
- White— Jesus washes us clean
- Green— growing in Christ (after accepting Him as your Savior)
The Need for Evangelism
- Why do we need “evangelism” (i.e. telling others about Jesus)? Because the world is a dark and fallen place. Many people don’t know “true Truth” – everything is relative and they don’t understand God’s Word as the standard of Truth. Because of this, people are hurting and without hope. They live in a society that tells them to “eat, drink, and be merry because you might not be here tomorrow!”
- Jesus came so that we might have life… and to the fullest! (John 10:10). We as followers of Christ must be willing to share the Light of the world (Jesus) and the hope and healing He has given us.
- This week take time to consider how you share Christ with others. It will look differently for each person based on your personality, surroundings, and your own story. How do you use where God has placed you, the story you’ve lived, and the freedom you’ve experienced to introduce Christ to those around you? Do you know anyone who doesn’t know Christ? Maybe it’s time to expand your community. Do those around you know that you follow Christ? Maybe it’s time to be bold in your interactions. Whatever the case may be, ask the Lord for help in sharing your faith this week!
That’s it for Chapter 23!
Now…go! And make disciples!