Jul 01 2024 What Does God Heal?
Last week, I underwent the first of two cataract surgeries. All went well and I’m hopeful I can say the same for the second surgery next week. It’s amazing how clear and crisp my vision is now that these blinders were removed!
I’ve been reflecting on Psalm 103 and the blessings that come from God. While cataracts aren’t technically a disease, verse 3 is hitting especially close to home right now. In The Message, the latter part of verse 3 says, “He heals your diseases—every one.” Now, I could talk about this one for a long time, but I’ll keep it short for this email. When I think of diseases, the first thing that comes to my mind are obvious physical diseases like diabetes and cancer. My first wife, Ruth Anne struggled with all the things that can come with diabetes, and ultimately lost her life to those complications. My second and current wife of almost 23 years, Punky, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009 and is blessed to be celebrating 15 years cancer free this year. So, let’s talk about diseases and the healing in Psalm 103:3 that God wants to bring.
What does God heal?
#1 God heals physical diseases. God can heal a person’s physical disease instantly—if He wants to, if He’s willing to, if it’s in His plan to—He can do it. Sometimes He does. Sometimes He doesn’t. We may say, “Well, I don’t know if I like that or not.” And that’s ok. It’s ok to wrestle with that. I prayed that Ruth Anne would be healed of diabetes. We had people all over the United States praying for her healing, and God chose not to heal her. As hard as that was, I had to trust that God was still good—even if He didn’t do what I asked and even though I didn’t understand what He was up to—I continued to trust that He had a plan for me (and Ruth Anne) in His decision.
#2 God heals soul diseases. You may ask, “What’s the soul?” I call it the innermost being of an individual—our mind, will, and emotions—it’s who we really are on the inside. What kind of diseases affect our souls? Let me give you a few examples…guilt, shame, doubt, depression, anger, lust, hate jealousy, bitterness, spite, and greed. Do any of these resonate with you? These “diseases” can enter our life because of sin—either the sin we’ve committed ourselves, or the sin others have done to us. The Good News is that when God forgives us of our sins (the first part of verse 3) I’ve observed that many of these soul diseases also begin to be healed (the second part of verse 3).
Let’s take a moment and thank God for His amazing forgiveness of our sin—past, present, and future! While you’re at it, thank Him for your physical needs. It may sound a little weird but thank him for the things you’re going through physically—the adversities and setbacks—and thank Him for beginning or continuing the process of healing in your life (Ephesians 5:20). Acknowledge the work He is doing through your difficulty, even though you may not understand what He’s up to just yet. As Punky always says, “Sometimes God’s greatest gifts come wrapped in the ugliest paper.” Ask Him to help you trust Him more through the process.
And remember Philippians 1:6, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” So, you can trust God in that wherever you are in the process of healing—in the end, God wins, and you become whole!
Warmly in Him,
John Tolson