Oct 31 2021

Let me tell you about a new friend of mine who is faithful when it comes to disciple-making! Terry Fant was one of 600 pastors at Unite Mississippi, an event I spoke at in 2019. Terry was so struck by the simplicity of the command to disciple and realized that even though he was doing a lot of really great things for the Lord, he wasn’t making disciples.

So, he got a copy of The Four Priorities and started going through it with a few guys in his church. Did I mention he’s the Senior Pastor at Hickory Creek Baptist Church? Well, he didn’t tell his staff what he was doing, or his church, or start a new program, or anything like that – he simply started meeting with guys one on one. Before long, those few guys took on more guys, and then they had over 75 people doing the work of multiplying disciple-making in his church. People are coming to know Jesus through the work of disciple-making and Terry is on fire to see that all of them become reproducing disciple-makers.


I had no idea who Terry was or what he was up to until the orders for more of The Four Priorities came flooding in from his church. I called to see what was going on, and we struck up a great friendship. Several months later, Terry invited me to come out for a few days in October of 2021 to take his church, staff, and congregation through our Disciple-Making Summit.
A couple of weeks ago, I spent four days meeting with a group of pastors and their church staff– men and women who are passionate about doing what Jesus has called us do. I taught the Disciple-Making Summit Friday night through Saturday morning, teaching 160 people all about the importance and process of making disciples who make disciples.

On Sunday morning, I ended my visit by preaching at their two services, reaching those that hadn’t been able to attend the Summit. Hundreds of people learned the critical nature of reproducing disciple-making and are now equipped to incorporate it into their own lives! We are excited to see what God is doing in Jackson!


For the first time in a year and a half, The Gathering of Men is LIVE and IN-PERSON on November 3rd, 10th, and 17th! We are so excited to be together again, and I personally hope you were able to make it. And remember, the messages for this series and past series are always available online at thetolsongroup.com.


Please pray for men who attend The Gathering of Men lunches to encounter Jesus Christ and be encouraged to become disciples who make disciples who make disciples!
And as always, please help us share the message of disciple-making and pass along these emails to your friends and family.

How can we pray for you? Punky and I consider it a great privilege to do life with you and we want to pray for you, specifically, for what God is doing in your life. Please comment here and let us know how to pray for your unique situation!

Warmly in Him,
John Tolson

P.S. Make sure you don’t miss out on our special #RedGlassesTalk series on Gratitude for this Thanksgiving season!