Oct 31 2022 John’s October Review: Navigating the Spiral Road
By the grace of God, I have had the opportunity to teach several Disciple-Making Summits and smaller training workshops around the country. If you have not attended a Summit, stay tuned for big plans in 2023 to bring this impactful training online!
The Disciple-Making Summit is an opportunity to learn the biblical basis for discipling: what it is, why we do it, and practical steps to get started. It is one of the most simple and effective teaching tools available to understand our biblical command to making disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).
One of our attendee’s from the Summit recently said this,
“Your teaching challenged me to be more committed to the Lord, to myself, to my neighbor, and to the work of God. Before attending the Summit, I was looking for guidance on making disciples. I had no idea what the Lord had reserved for Saturday, but I got the answer. Thank you once again.”
Send us a picture of where you are making disciples!
A friend of mine sent me a picture of these guys he ran into at a coffee shop. They had just attended the Summit and received their first copy of The Four Priorities!
Tag me @drjohntolson if you share on social media!
During the September series, I shared the message, The Spiral Road, about how our country has gotten to where it is.
The first talk in the November series will expand on how we should live as followers of Jesus because of this Spiral Road that our country is on.
Don’t miss the final Gathering of 2022! There are still spots available so grab a friend or co-worker and we’ll see you Wednesday!
The Gathering of Men meets at Northwest Bible Church on NW Hwy & Douglas to eat a hot lunch and listen to a short, encouraging, and challenging message. Lunches begin and end promptly from 12PM-1PM. For more information or for help signing up, contact Emily@TheTolsonGroup.com or visit TheTolsonGroup.com/Gather.
November 2nd — How Should We Live in a Screwed Up World?
November 9th — You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But…
November 16th — Memo from God!!!
Please don’t delay! It is incredibly helpful if you sign up immediately in order to prepare the plans for the luncheon.
Please pray for the final Gathering of Men in 2022 that the Lord would use it to change people’s lives.
How can we pray for you? Punky and I consider it a great privilege to pray for you — specifically, for a need or burden you might have, or to celebrate what God is doing in your life. This is one way we can stay connected to do you and do life together. Just reply to this email and let us know how to pray — and we will.
Warmly in Him,
John Tolson
P.S. Don’t miss my new podcast with new episodes launching every Thursday morning!