Dec 20 2016 Merry Christmas
Christmas- the time of year we celebrate the miracle “gift” of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though the Scriptures only give us a glimpse of his early years on this planet, the Gospel of Luke does tell us that, “Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and with people” (Luke 2:52). Jesus grew both physically and spiritually during that time, and when we next see him he is ready to assume the ministry He came to this earth to fulfill.
When you and I received Christ as our Lord and Savior we were made new, or “born again” (John 3:3) as spiritual infants. Like any infant, spiritual infants need a lot of help- someone to help us grow in our faith, to mature and develop spiritually and become the man or woman that God created us to be. Unfortunately many in the church are born again, but never grow; made new, but never made mature; converted but never discipled. If you’ve received the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ then you are called to raise up others to become mature followers of Jesus Christ who will in turn raise up others who will raise up others… (2 Timothy 2:2).
That’s what we’re passionate about because that’s what Jesus was passionate about. Our prayer and our challenge to you is to make 2017 the year that you take a man or woman and help raise them up in their faith. Walk with them. Love them. Teach them out of the overflow of your relationship with God and your very life. Give them time. Give them truth. Give them Jesus. And make disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples…
From the Tolson Group Team –
John, Punky, Emily and Alyssa –
We wish you and your family a blessed Christmas and
a very happy and fruitful New Year ahead.