Mar 31 2022 March Review
This month was full of plane rides and travel, disciple-making, and God moving! The plane rides can get a little bit boring… so you gotta do what you gotta do to stay entertained, right?!
In all seriousness though, this month was incredible! I was in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a men’s conference with 200 men in the beginning of the month. A bunch of men came up to me and indicated that they had asked Christ in their life at the end of my first talk! And I had a lot of conversations with people that wanted to start growing and developing and being discipled.
Last weekend, I taught another Disciple-Making Summit at The Open Bible Academy, (a free seminary) in Houston, Texas. People were fired up about discipling, ready and eager to listen! One woman in particular was able to share her story with all of us. She had attended the Summit that DTS hosted in November. Within one week after the summit, she had chosen someone to disciple. She brought the woman she was discipling with her to the Houston Summit and they were able to share with the group about their experience. They teared up, sharing that The Four Priorities had changed their lives. This is why we do what we do!
Out of the 80 people attending that Summit, only eight of them had ever been discipled. The change starts with us: you and me together doing what Jesus commanded us to do!
The next Gatherings are coming up on April 27th and May 4th. Thanks to the generosity of Northwest Bible Church, we are able to continue to meet in their building even while they are in the midst of a remodel. Unfortunately, we are only able to have two gatherings, not three.
Make sure you mark your calendars and sign up now! Will you be there? RSVP here!
Next week, I’ll travel to Norman, Oklahoma for another Disciple-Making Summit. Will you pray that God would prepare the hearts and minds of those who will attend? Will you pray that I would speak what God wants me to share? Will you pray for a revival of disciple-making in the Norman, OK area?
How can we pray for you? Punky and I consider it a great privilege to pray for you — specifically, for a need or burden you might have, or to celebrate what God is doing in your life. This is one way we can stay connected to do you and do life together. Just comment here and let us know how to pray — and we will.
Warmly in Him,
John Tolson
P.S. Don’t miss the special #RedGlassesTalk video messages every Monday morning! Click here to receive these short messages delivered directly to your inbox.