Jul 31 2022 John’s July Review: FCA!
Let me tell you a story about my friend, Michael! Michael Santiago is the North Central Dallas area director of FCA – Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I met Michael years ago and was able to go through the Four Priorities with him! This is what he shared in his newsletter this month:
“In 2017 FCA refined its mission to provide a clearer and more concise statement:
“To lead every coach and athlete into a
a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.”
Several years prior to the above statement, I was strategically discipled by Dr. John Tolson. The photo above shows Dr. Tolson, his bride Punky, Stefanie, and I sharing a meal at the Retreat this summer.
He poured into me for almost a year and his investment in me resulted in my growth as a disciple, husband, and father.
That was life-changing. Now, the multiplication equation is taking place.”
Michael invited Punky and me to speak at FCA’s 3-day Marriage Retreat where 80 North Texas coaches and their spouses gathered at the Westin Stonebriar Resort. In Michael’s words, “Dr. John and Punky Tolson uplifted marriages by pointing to each person pursuing Christ and being on a discipleship mission together.
How encouraging to know the coaches that are pouring into our students will be starting the 2022-23 school year with a full cup!”
Will you join us in praying for the ministry of FCA and all the good work that Michael and his team of coaches are accomplishing in the lives of the young people of North Dallas?
Will you pray with us that each of the marriages of the people who attended that retreat would grow in their pursuit of Christ and being on mission together?
How can we pray for you? Punky and I consider it a great privilege to pray for you — specifically, for a need or burden you might have, or to celebrate what God is doing in your life. This is one way we can stay connected to do you and do life together. Just comment here and let us know how to pray — and we will.
Warmly in Him,
John Tolson