John’s March Message: What’s Holding You Back?

Mar 31 2023 John’s March Message: What’s Holding You Back?

I am so fired up about the men I’m discipling right now! These men are in different age ranges and life stages and yet they share an incredible passion for making disciples who make disciples. These guys are excited to get after it and it’s amazing to witness.
If you haven’t discipled someone, what’s holding you back?
A man said to me one time, “I can’t disciple anyone.” I asked him, “Can you read?!” He said, “YES, I can read!”


So, I gave him a copy of The Four Priorities and told him to start reading it and then talk about what he read with someone else.


Several months later, I ran into this gentleman and he had two friends with him. He introduced me and said, “These are the two men I am discipling so that they can disciple someone else. This disciple-making experience has changed my life.”

What is Jesus’ plan to change our world?
It’s found in Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples…”


So, why aren’t we doing it?


My experience has been that:

1) Most Christians don’t understand what Matthew 28:19 means.

2) Most Christians have never been discipled by someone else.



Where are the people you discipled picture


Matthew 28:19 is a command by Jesus to all believers. When you get to heaven, how will you respond when Jesus asks you — “Who are the people you discipled?”


Even if you’ve never been discipled by someone else, you can still become a disciple-maker. We have the most practical, effective, easy tool on the planet available for you in The Four Priorities. Just like I told my friend, if you can read, you can become a disciple-maker!

Who are you discipling now?

If you need help getting started, let us know!


Respond to this email and let us know how we can support you in fulfilling this command from Jesus – to make disciples who make disciples.


This is Michael Santiago (on right) passing the baton to the young man he discipled…who is now discipling another man!! We love to see it!!


Send us your photos of you and your disciple-makers to!

In case you missed it…

·       Keep an eye out for new resources coming from us soon to equip and support you in making disciples!

·       If you need a refresher,

o   The Four Priorities Podcast – supplemental teaching for your journey through The Four Priorities.

o   Order your copy of The Four Priorities

o   Red Glasses Talk is also on all podcast platforms now!

How can we pray for you?

Punky and I consider it a great privilege to pray for you — specifically, for a need or burden you might have, or to celebrate what God is doing in your life. This is one way we can stay connected to do you and do life togetherJust reply to this email   and let us know how to pray — and we will.


Warmly in Him,

John Tolson