Apr 27 2023 Chapter 01 Questions
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Questions for Further Study:
Let’s dig into God’s Word about His free gift of salvation to us:
- Isaiah 59:2 (Sin cuts us off from God)
- Romans 3:23 (Everyone has sinned. Yes, you too).
- Romans 6:23 (There’s a consequence for our sins. We must pay a penalty… death).
- Hebrews 9:27 (After death, comes judgment).
- Romans 8:1 (For those who have trusted Jesus Christ, there’s no condemnation).
- Romans 10:9-10 (If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, you’ve made the decision to trust Him).
- Ephesians 2:8-9 (You’re saved by His grace. Not by anything you did, or will do, or have done. You can’t earn salvation. It’s a free gift by Jesus. But, you have to accept it).
- John 5:24 (If you trust Jesus, you have no condemnation – but after death, you have eternal life with Him).
Regarding Jesus Christ:
- Where do you need His touch in your life?
- Where do you need His hope?
- Where do you feel crippled in life?
- What, in your life, could you give to Jesus so that He could multiply it?
- Where do you need His grace?
- With which circumstance do you need His help?
- Have you been raised to new life in Christ?
See ya next time!
– John