Oct 19 2023 From Thought to Action: Chapter 9
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Before we begin, remember…making disciples can be as easy as reading a chapter of The Four Priorities and discussing it with someone else. This blog series is designed to supplement your journey. Feel free to take what you need and leave the rest! And remember, please share this post with your disciple so they can subscribe, too!
KEY QUOTES from Chapter 9: Physical Assets – Sexual Control
“When a believer engages in sexual sin, he or she turns the dwelling place of God into a brothel.”
“The Creator Himself gave us this marvelous blessing of mutual pleasure, not only for the sake of reproduction, but as a wonderful secret to be shared between a man and a woman committed to one another for life. Sex invites us to explore and experience unconditional acceptance.”
- Be aware of your vulnerability. Take a personal inventory – take note of what is going on in your life when you are most liable to sexual temptation. Identify your personal escape route! No one is above stumbling.
- If you are married, guard the marriage bed. Write out Proverbs 5:15-21 as a reminder to you. If you are not married, guard the marriage bed! Protect your future marriage by guarding your purity now.
- Guard your thoughts–we become what we think about–so take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5).
- Establish accountability checkpoints – is confession a consistent rhythm of your life? Take some time this week to reach out to a few people who can keep you accountable to this.
Review Chuck Swindoll’s checklist for his church staff on check-ins:
- Have you been with a woman (or a man) anywhere this past week that might be seen as compromising?
- Have any of your financial dealings lacked integrity?
- Have you exposed yourself to any sexually explicit material?
- Have you spent adequate time in Bible study and prayer?
- Have you given priority time to your family?
- Have you fulfilled the mandates of your calling?
- Have you just lied?
PRAY: We have a tendency to overcomplicate things – especially our prayers! One way to simplify your prayer life is to pick two phrases or truths from scripture and attach them to your breath pattern. As you inhale, internally say the 1st phrase. As you exhale, say the 2nd phrase.
INHALE: I can love
EXHALE: because You loved me first
MEMORIZE: Take this week to memorize Genesis 2:24-25 with your household. Write it on a sticky note to place on your car dashboard, your bathroom mirror, or wherever you will view it often.
Genesis 2:24-25 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame.”
WORSHIP: Listen to this song called Nothing Else by the Belonging Co.
We highly recommend checking out Birds & Bees by Mary Flo Ridley and Megan Michelson for learning how to talk to your children about healthy, biblical sexuality. In their words, “As parents, if WE don’t talk to our kids about sex, then who (or what?) will teach them?” Birds & Bees takes the guesswork out of “the talk” and equips parents with tons of tools and resources for navigating this tricky subject. Click here to view their online course! (*Not an affiliate link)
“Six Timeless Truths about Sexual Sin”
- Anyone can commit sexual sin
- Past success is no guarantee of future success
- Sin is a choice
- Immorality always brings consequences (Psalm 31:9-10)
- If you need help in this area, go get it!
- If you mess up, God will forgive you (Isaiah 1:18).
That’s it for Chapter 9!
Now…go! And make disciples!