Dear Table Hosts:
Please copy the text below and paste it into an email to the men you want to invite:
You are invited to attend The Gathering online:
Please email me at (INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS) if you are interested.
The Gathering is a luncheon event offered as a 3-week series 4 times a year. About 300 business leaders around Dallas typically meet for lunch at a large venue to be encouraged and inspired to make the most of our lives. This year the event is being done remotely due to COVID-19.
Please join me online during your lunch hour on 3 consecutive Wednesdays: September 15th, 22nd, and 29th at 12:30 pm. (You may also watch the video at your leisure if this time doesn’t work for you.)
John’s deepest desire is to see people become the leaders God created them to be; successful in family, life and business. John has served as a faith developer for some of the nation’s leading executives, celebrities, and athletes. He started one of the first team chaplain programs in the NBA, and he has served professional sports teams including the Houston Rockets, Houston Oilers, Orlando Magic and most recently, the Dallas Cowboys.
This will be an encouraging message focused on faith and making the most of our days. You can read more about John here:
Please let me know if you’d be interested in more information on this and if so, I’ll send you a link with more details.
P.S. If you are interested in this but can’t make any of the online meetings, they will be available for you to watch after each session. There is no cost for this event and there will be no ask for money.